We all enjoy visits from our friends and family and during special occasions, hence people with dementia are no different. These older adults in Gastonia, NC Memory Care Units definitely still enjoy having visitors. The visits serve as a reminder that they have support and comfort as some elderly may have frustration or social withdrawal. Hence it is important for them to stay connected with their loved ones to get through this tough journey.
Having a positive expectation and understanding more about dementia may encourage friends and family and to visit more often. However, people may be hesitant to visit as they are unsure about what to expect. The article will explain how you can plan ahead for easier and comfortable visits. It will also share essential do’s and dont’s which will eventually create a positive experience for you.
Before the Visit
- Prepare a book to read out loud.
- Prepare a photo album with old photos to reminisce.
- Obtain a small radio and install some of their favorite music to listen to.
- Cook some of their favorite dishes or make some handmade cookies.
- If you are bringing your children, have a discussion with your child about what dementia is and what to look out for. Listen to your child’s thoughts and concerns.
- Prepare some games like simple puzzles and brainteasers.
- Print out some pictures and make a photo collage to paste it somewhere in sight.
During the Visit
- Introduce yourself to them even if they know you. “Hi _____ , I am _____ , your ______.”
- Communicate slowly and patiently.
- Create eye contact and remain at their eye level.
- Do not rush your conversations and give them ample time to answer your questions.
- Patiently repeat anything you have said should they have forgotten.
- Be comfortable sitting in silence with them. They may enjoy your presence as much as talking.
- Allow them to show their fear, anger or sadness.
- Step into their reality. Go with the flow of their conversation.
- If you want to correct them, do so gently. Do know when to stop if they show signs of anger or start to become defensive.
- Talk about past memories.
- Give gentle touches, massage their limbs or shoulders if they allow you to do so.
- Ask them what they prefer to do, whether they want to take a walk or play a game.
After the Visit
- A visitor guest book can be created. It can be a notebook or journal placed in an obvious location near the elderly, for instance on his or her table. It serves as a reminder of who has visited in the Memory Care Unit, and photodocument how they have spent their time together.
- Use your book in your own special ways; print out or draw pictures, write memories, describe your visit and the topics you talked about.
- This book reminds the person with dementia that they can also create new memories.
- If they mention something that is not true, do not argue back.
- Do not take nasty things they say personally. Having dementia may cause them to react badly out of frustration and confusion.
- Do not talk about them with others as if they are not present.
- If they get angry talking about something, gently change the subject of focus.
- Do not remind them that another loved one Is dead because in their mind, they may believe that their loved ones are still alive.
- Do not talk about things that may upset them.
You have all it takes to create a positive experience when you visit the Memory Care Units in Gastonia, NC. Hence, do not worry and go forth with all these tips!