It can be tough to decide which community to move into and which senior living option to choose. When you or your loved ones begin to search, you will discover that there are several choices available, ranging from assisted living to memory care. If you or your loved ones are thinking about assisted living homes in Raleigh, NC, keep reading to find out more.
Assisted Living
Assisted living is a kind of senior living that provides care that is not included in independent living communities. Assisted living communities are mainly concerned with providing senior care, which can include everything from medical to personal care. Many older adults use it as a long-term care option. It is, however, also available for short-term stays following medical treatments.
Assisted living communities are designed to help older adults with their activities of daily living. These activities include washing, feeding, mobility, cleaning, and medicine administration. If you or a family member is having trouble with these activities, it might be a sign that assisted living is a feasible choice. Residents are supervised and aided by team members in assisted living communities. The community may also provide professional nursing care and medical services on-site, depending on the degree of care given.
Memory Care
Memory care is intended to provide a secure, regulated living environment with established routines to those suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other memory-related diseases in order to alleviate stress. The activities are designed to engage residents at different stages of the condition and improve cognitive function. Team members prepare meals and help patients with personal care chores in the same manner that team members at an assisted living community would, but they are also highly trained to cope with the special issues that commonly arise as a result of dementia or Alzheimer’s. They pay greater attention to patients and provide more structure and assistance to help them get through the day.
As dementia patients have the tendency to wander, memory care communities usually have enclosed outdoor areas to keep residents on site, elevators that need a code, and alarmed doors. Many communities also include monitoring bracelets, which allow residents to roam while still allowing team members to track their location.
Required Level of Care
Do you or your loved ones require a greater or lower level of care and assistance? After all, senior living is a very personal experience. There are several living options available, each with its own function or purpose. Assisted living will provide you or your loved ones with some assistance with daily duties. Memory care aids persons suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia in coping. Determine your or your loved ones’ requirements, then select the one that best meets those requirements.
Choose TerraBella Northridge
To provide a comfortable and safe atmosphere for our residents, we provide superior care, facilities, services, and special senior living programs. Residents can get professional care services 24/7 as part of a personalized care plan suited to their unique needs and preferences. Families will have peace of mind knowing that our expert team members are ensuring their loved ones’ health and happiness when they choose TerraBella Northridge.