Have you started asking friends and family members to repeat themselves or speak louder? You may have presbycusis or age-related hearing loss.
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, about one in three Americans ages 65 to 74 have hearing loss. Nearly half of adults older than 75 have difficulty hearing.
What exactly causes presbycusis, what are the symptoms, and how can you treat it? Read on to find out!
Presbycusis Causes
Presbycusis is a slow loss of hearing in both ears. Since this hearing loss occurs slowly, many people aren’t initially aware of the change. It often affects your ability to hear high-pitched noises first.
Presbycusis can occur due to changes within the middle or inner ear. Changes along the brain’s nerve pathways can also cause symptoms.
Other common causes of age-related hearing decline include:
- Inherited factors
- Aging
- Loss of hair cells (which help you hear)
- Long-term exposure to loud noises
- Certain health conditions (like diabetes and heart disease)
- Side effects of medications
- Smoking
- Infections
The prevalence increased with age. According to the World Health Organization, about 25% of adults ages 60 and older are affected by disabling hearing loss.
By 2050, almost 2.5 billion people may have some degree of hearing loss. Of these, at least 700 million will require rehabilitation.
Age-Related Hearing Decline Symptoms
Each person’s presbycusis symptoms can vary. However, common symptoms include:
- Hearing men’s voices easier than women’s
- A ringing sound in the ear (tinnitus)
- Having trouble understanding conversations
- Some sounds seemingly annoyingly loud
- Difficulty hearing high-pitched noises
- People’s speech sounding slurred or mumbled
Some people mistake age-related hearing loss for other health issues. If you experience these symptoms, consult a doctor right away. They’ll determine the underlying cause of your hearing loss before recommending a course of treatment.
Social Isolation
Age-related hearing loss may make attending social events difficult. If you struggle to follow conversations, you may start to feel isolated. Social isolation can cause:
- Reduced self-esteem
- Increased risk of anxiety or depression
- Worsening of existing mental health conditions
- Increased risk of heart disease or stroke
- Obesity
- Increased blood pressure
- Weakened immunity
- Decreased overall well-being
- Death
If declining senior hearing health is causing you to avoid friends and family, consult a healthcare professional. You can also rely on resources through your local senior living community. Beginning treatment can improve your mental and physical health and quality of life.
Senior Hearing Health Options
Treating a hearing impairment will allow you to return to activities you’re avoiding due to hearing loss. A healthcare professional can complete hearing and balance tests to assess your hearing.
The results will help them develop a personalized care plan based on your needs. Their recommendations may vary based on your health, age, and symptoms.
Treatment may involve:
- Assistive listening devices
- Speech reading training
- Methods to prevent wax buildup
- Cochlear implants
- Hearing aids
Assistive listening devices increase sound volumes. They may include amplification devices or closed-circuit systems.
Cochlear implants stimulate the auditory nerve. Hearing aids, on the other hand, make noises louder.
Hearing Aid Solutions
Hearing aid solutions differ in style, price, and size. For example, completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are for mild to moderate hearing loss. They’re the least visible type available.
In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are custom molded. They fit partly within the ear canal. They’re a little larger than CIC models.
In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are for mild to severe hearing loss. Some models include directional microphones. They often have a longer battery life but are more visible than other devices.
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids hook over the top of the ear. The device is connected to a custom earpiece that fits into the ear canal. They’re the largest type of hearing aid available and feature directional microphones.
Common features of these hearing aids include:
- Wireless connectivity
- Rechargeable batteries
- Directional microphones
- Noise reduction
- Synchronization
- Variable programming
- Direct audio input
- Remote controls
- Telecoils
Before choosing a hearing aid, schedule a check-up with a hearing specialist. An audiologist can help you choose the most appropriate option based on your needs.
Living With Age-Related Hearing Loss
After developing age-related hearing loss, your doctor may refer you to a specialist. An audiologist specializes in testing and managing hearing issues. An otolaryngologist specializes in conditions of the ears, nose, and throat.
Schedule follow-up appointments to continue monitoring your hearing loss. At home:
- Tell family members and friends
- Ask people to face you when speaking
- Watching facial movements and expressions
- Ask people to speak loudly and clearly
- Avoid noisy environments
- Turn off the TV when you’re not watching
Consider moving into a senior living community. Their highly trained staff can help you navigate the challenges of hearing loss.
Living in a community will keep you engaged with other seniors. This can reduce your risk of isolation and other complications.
Determine if the community offers services designed for hard-of-hearing residents. Some communities offer personalized care services designed to meet your unique needs.
Hearing loss can make it difficult for you to receive or understand important information. You may start avoiding important meetings, including those involving legal, financial, or medical matters.
It can limit your interactions with friends and family members, leading to self-isolation. Remember, isolation can affect your mental and physical health.
Age-related hearing decline can pose a safety risk. If the issue is severe, you may not hear smoke alarms or car horns. Consider moving into a senior living community to ensure your safety.
To prevent age-related hearing loss:
- Don’t smoke
- Wear earplugs or earmuffs
- Immediately treat ear infections
- Lower the volume of music or TVs
- Stay away from loud noises
Start Managing Your Senior Hearing Health
Don’t let age-related hearing decline keep you from living your best life. Instead, begin treatment for your age-related hearing loss. Beginning treatment can help you avoid complications while improving your quality of life.
Consider moving into a senior living community like TerraBella Roswell. Our vibrant community is ideal for seniors looking for exceptional care and a peaceful retirement.
Discover our resident-focused approach, exclusive lifestyle programs, and comfortable living options. Contact us now to schedule a tour.