While everyone has differing metabolism rates, you cannot deny how your metabolism rate slows down as you grow older. This is a process that you will naturally go through as you approach your golden years. But what exactly is metabolism and why is this so important for you? Metabolism is the amount of energy or calories your body uses to maintain itself. In simpler terms, a low metabolism rate means you will gain weight and lose muscles easily. In addition, it can even inhibit the supply of nutrients to your body, which can also lead to you developing other serious health issues. Hence, it is critical for you to boost your metabolism as you grow older. Thankfully, there are a few ways to boost your metabolism rate. Here is how you can do so.
Get Sufficient Sleep
Did you know that when you suffer from a lack of sleep, your metabolism rate decreases? In fact, one research found that 4 hours of sleep reduced metabolism by 2.6% compared to 10 hours of sleep. What happens if you have not been sleeping enough then? Do not worry, you can restore your metabolism by sleeping longer the next few nights. That means you should sleep 12 hours to restore your reduced metabolism. Moreover, the lack of sleep can lead to a vicious cycle. Inadequate sleep can lead to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and in turn, poorer quality of sleep. Hence, it is important for you to get a good night’s sleep to boost your metabolism rate. While there is no “right” amount of sleep, it is recommended for you to get between 7-8 hours of good sleep as a mature adult. Here is a tip. Try to take a one-hour rest before going to bed. For instance, you can meditate or unplug from your technology to calm your mind before sleep.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is one of the best and easiest ways for you to increase your metabolism. According to a study, drinking 17 ounces of water increases your metabolism by 10-30% for about an hour. Here is a tip to boost your metabolism. Drink cold water before your meals. Why does this help? Your body will naturally burn more calories when it is warming the cold water to body temperature. In addition, drinking water before food can make you feel fuller, hence you will consume fewer calories. If you prefer a more flavored drink, you can also turn to green tea. After all, green tea can increase your metabolism by 4-5%. If you love to drink a morning cup of coffee, there is great news for you. Coffee has been proven by studies to be a great alternative drink to boost your metabolism.
The key to a higher metabolism rate is being active. However, this does not mean you need to do intensive or high-impact workouts. Rather, by ensuring you are relatively active throughout the week, your metabolism will remain high. Hence, aim for low-impact exercises as they are beneficial and extremely suitable for you. For instance, you can take a morning walk, join a tai chi or yoga class with your friends, or enjoy a leisurely bike ride. All these activities are safe, engaging, and improve your physical health.