Generally, spending some time outdoors has a lot of benefits for our physical and mental health. It’s better for relaxing, unwinding, and boosting our energy level.
However, it is more beneficial for aging adults who spend most of their time indoors. It will keep them from living a sedentary lifestyle, encouraging them to live actively. These are some advantages of spending time outdoors in senior homes in Berra, SC:
Vitamin D Absorption
Vitamin D is important to your body as it will help prevent osteoporosis, cancer, and any form of depression. Exposure to direct sunlight is expected to meet your vitamin D requirements daily. As much as you would like to stay in the sun for a day and skip the next day, you cannot store the sunlight in your body. Therefore, you need daily exposure to complete the requirements.
In addition, vitamin D is known to give strength to aging adults as it will help them absorb calcium. The calcium eventually gives strength to the bones, muscles, nails, and teeth. You can use sunscreen if you are bothered about the sun’s intensity.
Disease Prevention
Many diseases have been associated with an inactive and sedentary lifestyle, for example, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure. These diseases can be prevented with light exercise and activities.
In addition, participation in outdoor activities and events can help prevent cancers associated with kidneys, colon, esophagus, breasts, and uterus.
Enhance Energy and Memory Level
According to several studies, spending time outside can positively affect the cognitive ability to age adults, including information retention and attention span. Aging adults tends to improve their attention span after spending a few hours outside. The University of Michigan discovered that going outside has the same benefits as meditation.
Improve Overall Well-being
Aging adults who spend more time outdoors tend to spend less time sitting with television. Staying active will help you prevent a sedentary lifestyle, gain muscle mass and improve the heart and the lung. When your body is constantly in motion, symptoms of arthritis and other ailments will be reduced. Staying active boosts the immune system making it easier to combat flu and other illnesses.
Generally, when you are more active outdoors, it will positively influence every aspect of your life; physical, emotional, and mental. In addition, aging adults in retirement communities who engage in outdoor activities often need lesser assistance than residents who are inactive.
Ability to Heal Faster
Another benefit of going outside as an aging adult is healing faster. Harvard Health Publishing reported that active aging adults feel less post-op pain and take fewer medications than those who stay indoors.
In other situations, aging adults in the hospital who are closer to the window often recover faster than those far away. These are indicators that more exposure to the outdoors is associated with a healthier lifestyle.
Improve the Immune System
As mentioned earlier, going outside helps boost the immune system of aging adults. Experts have reported that staying outside increases white blood cell count, ensuring the immune system fights illness. Aging adults that stay outside often maintain a positive outlook, which can be evident in their physical and mental health.