Palliative care is an increasingly popular option for aging adults living in assisted living communities. Palliative care is a type of medical care that focuses on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of serious illness. It is often provided in conjunction with curative treatment, but can also be provided as a standalone service for those who are not seeking treatment for a specific illness.
Palliative care in Huntersville, NC assisted living for seniors offers a lot of benefits for the residents. If you are considering assisted living, and alongside the amenities available for assisted living, you would like to learn more about what you can also enjoy in palliative care, here are some of the benefits palliative care has to offer.
Improved Quality of Life
As we age, our bodies can become more susceptible to chronic pain and other symptoms. Palliative care can help aging adults in assisted living communities to manage the symptoms of any serious illness including cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure, dementia, and COPD to improve their overall quality of life. This also can include relief from pain and other physical symptoms, as well as emotional and spiritual support.
Coordination of Care
Palliative care can also help aging adults navigate the complex healthcare system and make informed decisions about their care. Many aging adults may not be familiar with the various treatment options available to them, and palliative care can provide guidance and support to help them make informed decisions about their care. Palliative care can help coordinate the care aging adults receive from multiple healthcare providers, ensuring that all of their needs are met.
Emotional Support
In addition to the physical benefits, palliative care can also provide emotional and spiritual support to aging adults. Serious illness can be a very difficult and stressful experience for aging adults and their loved ones, and palliative care can provide the victim with the support they need to cope with their illness and maintain their mental health.
Support for Caregivers
Palliative care can also benefit the families of aging adults living in assisted living communities. Family members may be concerned about their loved one’s health and well-being, and palliative care can provide them with the support and resources they need to help them to feel more equipped to care for their loved one.
Access to Specialized Resources
Palliative care teams often have access to specialized resources, such as social workers, chaplains, and nutritionists, who can provide additional support to aging adults and their caregivers.
Advance Care Planning
Palliative care can help aging adults and their families plan for the future and make decisions about end-of-life care. This can help to ensure that aging adults receive the care they want and need at the end of their lives.
Reduced Hospitalizations
Palliative care can help to reduce hospitalizations by preventing potential crises through effective symptom management by the palliative care team in assisted living communities. This reduces emergencies and hospitalizations. The team ensures patient needs are met and that everyone supporting that patient is kept informed.
Cost Savings
Palliative care can ultimately lead to cost savings by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations and other costly medical interventions that might come up in the process of managing the health of aging adults by their family members.