If you’re an aging adult who’s moved into a retirement home near Auburn, AL, you might feel lonely and isolated. It can be hard to make friends and form relationships with others when they’re not always around. But don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to bond with your caregivers at home. Here are some tips:
Make Sure They Remember Your Name
It’s important to make sure that your caregivers know who you are. This can be done in a number of ways. Ask them to repeat your name back to you, or have them write it down. You could even ask them about a time when they had similar experiences, so they can relate to what you are going through.
Get To Know Them By Asking About Their Lives
You want your caregivers to feel like they are part of a family. If you can get them talking about their families, you’ll have an easier time getting to know each other. For example:
- Ask about their children. Do they have any? How old are they? What do they do for a living?
- Ask about their spouse or partner. Do they live with the caregiver at home, or is he/she working too? Does he/she also work in healthcare? Or is there another job that takes up most of the day?
- Ask about their hobbies and interests outside of work – what does this person enjoy doing on his/her days off (or during the weekends)? Is there a sport that this person regularly plays—and if so, why did he/she choose it as an activity in retirement?
Find Out What Hobbies, Interests Or Activities They Have
Ask your caregivers what hobbies, interests or activities they have. It’s important to learn about their likes and dislikes and what makes them happy. If you find out that one of your caregivers enjoys knitting, ask if you can join them in making a scarf for the wintertime. Or if another caregiver likes to sing karaoke with their friends at local bars on Friday nights, invite them along for fun!
Talk About Your Life And Past, And Share Your Favorite Stories
Be open to sharing personal history, as well as the things that are important to you. Share whatever comes up in conversation, whether a fond memory or a difficult experience. You can also talk about how that has shaped you today!
If you want to deepen the bond between you and your caregiver(s), consider talking about their struggles in their own lives. There is no better way for humans to connect than by learning from each other’s experiences.
Share The Good Things That Happen To You With Them When They Ask How You’re Doing
Sharing the good things that happen to you with them when they ask how you’re doing is a great way to bond. It can be hard for some people to share their good news in a retirement home, but it’s one of the best ways to connect with others and make new friends. Sharing the good things that happened throughout your day helps build relationships, feel happy and even bring people closer together.
Laugh (Or At Least Smile) Together Whenever Possible!
When you laugh, your body releases endorphins and serotonin, natural painkillers that make you happy. Laughing also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, so when you’re with someone who makes you chuckle (or smile, for that matter), it can be an easy way to relieve tension between the two of you.
You might need help to do everything on this list, but it’s important to try. Ultimately, all you can do is take care of yourself and let the people around you know they matter.