In today’s world, we’re all busy, and it is easy to lose touch with friends from the past. The cost of living can be very high in some areas, and it can leave a person feeling lonely and isolated. Assisted living in Grissettown, NC, provides many people with a warm and friendly environment where they can be among friends and enjoy their golden years together. Here are some ways in which Assisted Living can help alleviate loneliness:
Be Outgoing And Friendly
As we age, it can be easy to withdraw from the world around us. In some cases, this results from physical or mental limitations that make it difficult for aging adults to go out on their own and meet new people. But even aging adults who are fully capable of living independently may still find themselves spending far too much time alone at home, where they isolate themselves from friends, family members, and neighbors by staying in their rooms for hours at a time. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation—and when those feelings are left unchecked for too long or go untreated for too long, things tend not to end well (for example, depression).
So What’s The Solution? Make An Effort!
The best way to deal with this is by making yourself as social as possible. Don’t be afraid of new people! If you’re shy or introverted, start small—talk to the people in your community that are already familiar with you—and gradually work up from there. It’s okay if it takes time; be persistent and keep trying until you find something that works for YOU! Ask for help when needed (from family members/friends) as well; no one should have to struggle alone!
Stay Active
While you may not be able to join a club or group, you can still find ways to stay active.
- Try new things. If your interests are limited, try something new in order to keep yourself busy. You might even find something you enjoy!
- Get out of the house. This might seem obvious, but it’s important that you get outside and take walks around your neighborhood when possible, especially if it’s a large one with lots of people walking around during different times of day (like morning or evening).
- Join a Club. There are many clubs in assisted living communities, such as a knitting club or card-playing groups. These groups can provide companionship and keep you active in your community, even if you are unable to go out for activities on your own.
- Join a Sports Team/Gym Class. Sports teams and gym classes are other great ways to meet people and get exercise with others in your community. If you don’t join one of these groups, the care team will be able to suggest other activities that they offer that would help improve physical health while also providing social interaction opportunities.
- Start an Activity at Home (or on Your Own). If there aren’t any clubs near enough where they can be convenient for most people who live there (like those who have limited mobility), then consider starting an activity yourself! For example: play music with friends; write letters with pen pals; start reading books together online through Meetup; etc.
Keep Up With Friends And Family
You can still keep in touch with friends and family, even if you don’t have a phone or computer. There are plenty of other ways to stay connected with the people who matter most—and as long as they’re within reach, they’re always available.
For example:
- If it’s your birthday, invite someone over for lunch to celebrate. Offer them dessert!
- Take walks together around the neighborhood or down by the river. Remember to bring water bottles (and bug spray).
- Write letters and send postcards! Put them in envelopes and give them stamps for when they arrive at their destination.
You might be thinking that it’s impossible to overcome loneliness. If you really want to try and deal with it, we hope this article has been helpful. We know that it can be hard to find the right senior-friendly independent living community, but we hope you keep our tips in mind when searching for one. If you have any questions or concerns about how assisted living can help with loneliness, please feel free to reach out!