If you are looking to retire in Cramerton, NC, or just wondering if you should indeed move here, we have taken the liberty to compile a list of fun facts about this small town located in Gaston County. You will get to learn more about several factors that can help you decide on whether Cramerton is truly a good fit for you and your loved ones.
Cramerton Neighbors
The demographics of a place are a fair indicator of how warm or welcoming its atmosphere can be. Cramerton has a neighborly feel with at least 70 percent of owner-occupied homes. The average size of each household is approximately 2.6 members. There are slightly more than 4,000 residents as per the 2010 census and the median age of the residents is 40 years.
Walking Around Cramerton
Quality of life in a particular place depends on a number of things. Some homeowners may wish to live within a walkable town that allows them to run errands within walking distance. There are also others who very much prefer living somewhere that is peaceful and quiet with amenities still within close proximity but may require a mode of transportation. Cramerton has a walk score of 15 with conveniences being made available quite a distance away from residences. The nearest airport is Charlotte/Douglas International Airport.
Best Schools in Cramerton
The definition of a good school varies, depending on what you are looking for. There are some who may be more interested in the sports programs that the different schools offer, while others may be looking at schools that focus on leading students to academic excellence. Perspective can make a huge difference and based on online rankings, below are the 5 best public schools in Cramerton:
- Highland School of Technology
- Cramerton Middle School
- Belmont Middle School
- South Point High School
- Belmont Central Elementary School
It is important to choose an area with good school rating consistency. While the area that you are looking at right now may have great schools for the elementary level, it is also good for you to examine the middle and high schools that your family will eventually attend.
Kids’ Activities in Cramerton
If you are looking to relocate to Cramerton along with young children, it is essential to find out if there is easy accessibility to parks and playgrounds, preschools, daycare centers, and others. In Cramerton, you can look forward to spending hours of quality time with your loved ones at several parks and playgrounds. There are Davis Park, Southridge Park, and Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park. You can enjoy facilities fit for the whole family.
Amenities Near Cramerton
Whether a neighborhood can be regarded as a good place to live or not also depends on its amenities. There are plenty of dining options in Cramerton that you can enjoy with your loved ones. Grab a cup of joe for your morning boost at Doffers Canteen, Mayworth’s Public house, or Joe’s Touch of Italy. For brunch or even dinner, head out to Simonetti’s Pizza, Chick-fil-A, or Bojangles’ Famous Chicken ‘n Biscuits.