Loneliness is an epidemic sweeping the nation. Despite being more connected than ever, the poor quality of our connections leaves us starving for something more substantial. When it comes to soul food, a text message just doesn’t cut it.
With 30% of adults reporting feeling lonely at least once a week and 10% feeling lonely every day, it’s no wonder our mental health is suffering. For the elderly, these numbers are often even higher. Signs of loneliness in elderly folk are overlooked to the detriment of everyone.
Our seniors have so much to give, especially when it comes to our youth. Connecting the elderly with the youth of today fosters positivity that has to be seen to be believed. Read on to find out more!
Signs of Loneliness in Elderly Folk
It’s an unfortunate reality that people who suffer from loneliness don’t typically feel like talking about it. Becoming disconnected from people is a problem that often gets worse over time rather than getting better. It’s ironic, but the more lonely someone feels, the less likely they are to reach out to others for help.
There are social stigmas attached to a wide range of issues that directly affect our mental health, and loneliness is no different. Someone experiencing loneliness may hide away more than they would usually rather than admit to a situation they may feel to be somehow shameful. It’s no wonder so many people find themselves in a rut when it comes to a lack of meaningful socialization.
As we age, loneliness becomes more prevalent for a number of reasons. Fortunately, the signs are easy to catch if you know what to look for. If you ever wonder if someone might be lonely, it’s always worth asking, as you might just make their day by helping them feel seen.
Loneliness and Aging
Part of aging means watching the people we’ve known and loved leave us as they pass away. The elderly will have usually lost a good number of people, including their parents, friends, and partners. This is an inevitable part of growing older, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Elderly people have a great wealth of life experience to draw upon, which enables them to weather misfortune better than those of us who haven’t lived as long or seen as much. While this is certainly admirable, it sometimes means they harden themselves against negative emotions rather than reaching out for help. Loneliness is a perfect example of an issue many elderly folks would rather not bother anyone with.
To reach our later years and feel alone is a tragedy and one that needn’t be shouldered for long. Combating loneliness is a lot simpler than the weight of the emotion might appear to those in the grips of it. For the elderly especially, interacting with children is a particularly powerful solution, even if they might not believe so at the outset.
Social Activities and Youth Engagement
The beauty of interacting with children is their lack of judgment and open-heartedness. Talking to a young child is a balm to the soul for people of all ages, but the bond between the very young and the elderly is something special. They share a wisdom that goes unsaid, and when it comes to making friends, young and old are thick as thieves.
When the elderly and young children get together, it’s almost as if they’re in on a secret that those of us in the middle don’t understand. This bond, once seen in action, can’t be construed as anything other than a miracle cure for loneliness. It’s a tragedy that old and young don’t get many opportunities to socialize together, but when they do, their worlds come together perfectly.
This is a truth that some communities have begun to notice and make use of to the benefit of everyone involved. Some schools have begun to take trips to local senior communities for exactly this reason, so children can learn from and interact with their elders. Some seniors don’t have grandchildren, just as some children don’t have grandparents, and these meetings are a joy for both parties.
Loneliness and Mental Health
As human beings, we’re social creatures at heart. Even the most staunchly self-assured of us need some social interaction sometimes, even if it’s to remind us why we prefer our own company. There’s something deeply ingrained in our programming that requires at least a little communication with our fellow man.
Ignoring this most basic of requirements is disastrous to our mental health, and ignoring it won’t change the fact. Our seniors may be well versed in living alone, but time is incessant in its onslaught, and eventually, our needs become painfully apparent. Fortunately, loneliness is a very human emotion, and once we’re able to admit how we feel, empathy usually follows.
It doesn’t take a long time to blow the cobwebs of loneliness away or the anxiety involved in desiring social interaction. It’s perfectly understandable to want a conversation or to share in an activity with our fellow man. The hardest part is usually admitting to ourselves how we feel before taking steps to address the issue directly.
The Importance of Social Activities
The elderly get caught and tangled in thoughts just as easily as anyone else. When the solution is action, no amount of thinking will do the trick. Making a change might be hard, as is doing something new, but the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.
Encourage anyone you suspect might benefit from a little social interaction to take the plunge, and perhaps take it with them if you have a mind to help. You’ve nothing to lose, after all!
Assisted Living TerraBella Thornblade, SC
We’re proud to provide the best assisted senior living community and memory care in the Greer area and go to great lengths to catch signs of loneliness in elderly residents long before they become an issue. Our team continues to deliver an exceptionally warm and welcoming environment that’s second to none, and we’d love to tell you all about it.
If you’re interested in our attentive approach to dining and scheduled activities and events, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to hear from you.